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GACCE-2025(New Zealand)1st Announcement


The International Symposium on Frontier in Chemical Engineering:

The 17th Annual Conference of the Global Chinese Chemical Engineering Scholars (GACCE-2025)

Queenstown and Auckland Ÿ New Zealand Ÿ Aug. 13-18,2025

The First Announcement

GACCE-2025 will celebrate its 17th anniversary on August 13-18, 2025, at Queenstown andAuckland, New Zealand. This event is jointly organized by the GACCE, the University of Auckland, the University of Canterbury and Victoria University of Wellington, following the heel of sixteen successful symposia held in 2009-2024. The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum for the Chinese chemical engineering professors and researchers to network, foster multidisciplinary collaborations, share experience and exchange ideas in scientific research and higher education.

GACCE is a premier academic exchange platform for global Chinese chemical engineers and scientists interested in innovation and professional development to gather, exchange ideas and make friends. The symposia focus on a wide range of topics relevant to cutting-edge research, new technologies, and emerging growth areas in chemical engineering and science. It strongly promotes international academic exchanges and collaborations and help facilitate cross-disciplinary integration and industrial-academic-research cooperations, increasing the impact of Chinese chemical engineers and scientists on the world stage.


Conference Chairs: Wei Gao, Alex Yip, YuanyuanShao, Guohua Chen

Conference Honorary Chair: Jesse Zhu 

Conference Agenda

1. VenueQueenstown, New Zealand  (August 13-14, 2025

Auckland, New Zealand  (August 15-18, 2025)

2. Host by The Global Academy of Chinese Chemical Engineering Scholars (GACCE)

3. Organized by

The University of Auckland

The University of Canterbury

Victoria University of Wellington


4.Brief Agenda





Aug. 13






Sustainable  Chemical Engineering;

Excellent  Ph.D Candidates Forum




Local  Visiting



Transportation  to Auckland*

Aug. 15

Day Time


Arrival  and Reception


Day Time


Opening  ceremony, conference sessions


Day Time


Conference  sessions, closing ceremony




University Tour




*: The delegated are responsible for arranging their own travel itineraries

5. Conference Registration

5.1 Registration Fee

1Four-day RegistrationAuckland from Aug. 15-18

Payment Identity

Before 1st March, 2025 (Inclusive)

After 2nd March, 2025 (Inclusive)


NZ$ 920      (US$ 520)

NZ$ 1092.5 (US$ 615)

Professional  Delegates

NZ$ 1322.5 (US$ 745)

NZ$ 1495    (US$ 842)

2Full AttendanceQueenstown and Auckland from Aug. 13-18

Payment Identity

Before 1st March, 2025 (Inclusive)

After 2nd March, 2025 (Inclusive)


NZ$ 1437.5 (US$ 810)

NZ$ 1610    (US$ 907)

Professional  Delegates

NZ$ 1840    (US$ 1036)

NZ$ 2012.5 (US$ 1135)

Note: The conference registration fees include 15% GST.

5.2 Registration Website: https://gacce2025.scimeeting.cn/ (Refer to “Registration Guideline” for more details and helps.)

5.3 Cancellation and Refund Policy

All conference cancellations and refund requests must be submitted in writing by the purchaseras outlined below. Requests should be sent to gcces@gdut.edu.cn.

The conference registration fees include morning and afternoon teas, lunches, the welcome reception, conference dinner, and excursions. No discounts or refunds areavailable for delegates who choose not to attend these events.

Registrationsare not fully refundable. In all cases, an administration charge will always apply.

50% Partial Refunds: You can request a refund of 50% of your payment to your original payment methodif you decide to change your plan for reasons other than the unplanned events mentioned below. Please submit your refund application to us at gcces@gdut.edu.cn before 12 pm on 31 May 2025 (EST +8, Beijing Time).

No Refunds -After 31 May 2025, no refunds will be made.

Alternative tocancellation - Transfer Registration may be transferred to another person from your organization. We (gcces@gdut.edu.cn) must be advised in writing of the change before 12 pm on 1 August 2025 (EST +8, Beijing Time).

VISA-related issues: If your visaapplication to New Zealand is disapproved or rejected, you can request an 85% partial refund to your original payment method if you are unable to attend the conference. This will ONLY be granted if the visa rejection prevents you from attending, and you submityour refund application to us at gcces@gdut.edu.cn before 12 pm on 1August 2025 (EST +8, Beijing Time) with the necessary supporting documents.

   VISA-related issues: You must provide a copy of disapproval of rejection letter issued by Immigration New Zealand

Event Services shall not be required to refund any fees or charges paid in addition to the Face Value of the Registration for example, any Handling Fee or postageor courier charges except where required by applicable New Zealand law. No interest or costs will be payable in respect of any monies refunded. Neither Event Services nor the organizer will be liable for any associated costs, expenses or loss (including, without limitation, any indirect and/or consequential loss, such as for travel to the Venue or any accommodation costs).

6. Contact Information

GACCE websitehttp://www.gcces.cn               GACCE WeChat Official AccountGACCE


Cont. Person

Tel. Number

E-Mail Address

The Secretary-Generals

Prof. B. Yin

Prof. S. Wei

0064-210381194 a



Registration and Question

Prof. Y. Shao

15102239779 b


GACCE official email

Invitation Letter

Prof. Y. Wei

18824157557 b

Prof. S. Luo

13512746796 b

Donation Program

Prof. S. Wei


a: Working Hours:Mon.-Fri. 5:00-12:00 (E.T.+8,Beijing); b: Working Hours:Mon.-Sat. 9:00-18:00 (E.T.+8, Beijing)

The more details about GACCE-2025 will be kept updating on the GACCEwebsite and WeChat official account as well as in the GACCE WeChat Groups,thanks for your attention!

GACCE2025(NewZealand)_1st Announcement.pdf

GACCE2025_Registration Guideline.pdf